Give it to make it

It is often said that business owners must spend money to make money. You must invest money in inventory, supplies, advertising, and countless other things before you can even open your door for business. And you must continue to do so.

An often overlooked corollary is giving up something to make money. In this instance, the “something” is information.

To some extent most small business owners do this. They share information with consumers regarding their products and services with the intention of educating the customer. But there is an aspect of this that is often overlooked and under utilized.

Harvey Segal explains this in his free e-book, The Ultimate SuperTip. In fact, he does more than simply explain it–the book itself is a demonstration of this powerful marketing strategy.

Giving away information can be a very effective method for differentiating your business, developing trust and confidence, and “pre-selling” your products or services. For example, in an e-book you can offer tips on product selection, explain the benefits of various options, and position your company as the expert. And this can be done without high-pressure tactics via an e-book.

We live in the Information Age. The Internet, cable television, and many other resources make it easier than ever for consumers to obtain information on the products and services they desire. By giving your customers more information you help them make better purchasing decisions. And that is good for you.

Click here to download The Ultimate SuperTip and learn how to give it to make it.

Developing trust and confidence

In this era of Bernie Madoff, identity theft, and 411 scams, consumers are increasingly leery of businesses. The economic downturn has many consumers holding onto their more tightly than ever. This presents a significant challenge for the small business seeking to maintain or grow its sales.

A key component of successful sales, even in the best of times, is developing trust and confidence. When a consumer has trust that your product or service will meet his needs or desires, and confidence in your ability to deliver, he is more likely to buy. But how do we develop trust and confidence?

Many small business owners take the direct approach: They tell the consumer dependable and trust-worthy they are. However, it is quite easy to make such claims–anyone can do the same. The most effective way to develop trust and confidence is to demonstrate that one is trust-worthy. In this context, actions truly do speak louder than words.

For example, if you are always on time for appointments, you demonstrate dependability and promptness. If you return phone calls quickly and keep a customer informed, you demonstrate good communication. If you answer questions patiently and in detail, you demonstrate interest in the customer’s concerns. These actions–and many more like them–are far more powerful than long-winded monologues about how great your company is.

A similar way to develop trust and confidence is through an e-book, special report, or similar materials. Such documents allow you to demonstrate knowledge, answer common questions, and demonstrate your expertise. An excellent example of this can be found in Harvey Segal’s free e-book, The Ultimate SuperTip.

Developing trust and confidence can take time. They must be earned. And the most effective way to earn your customer’s trust and confidence is by showing, not telling.

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